

     Although Beowulf is interested in helping others because he has such amazing strength, he is also interested in the fame and recognition that comes with helping those in need. For instance, he states that rather than fighting Grendel with weapons he will fight him unarmed because Grendel has also been fighting without weapons. Beowulf knows that if he lives to defeat Grendel he will gain more fame than ever before. 

     Christianity and Paganism

     In some instances of the story, the author and characters mention fate and the belief that everything will happen according to plan. They also mention how God protects his people and is the reason for the good in their lives. This is because at the time of the story there was a shift in religions. For example, rather than taking all of the glory for his hard earned win against Grendel, Beowulf thanks God and says he is the reason why he lived through the fight.


     If it were not for Beowulf's outstanding bravery and courage none of the events in the story would have occurred. He is the reason why many of the Danes and Geats still lived after the numerous monster attacks and is the living definition of a heroic protagonist character.