
     Main Characters


Beowulf is the main character of the story, hence the title. He was said to be the strongest warrior who never said no to a challenge. He was brave and selfless because he was willing to give his life to defend the lives of others. He was also brave because he was never sure if he would live when entering a battle but would do so anyway. Beowulf craved fame and because of this he would use his strength to gain as much attention as he possibly could.

King Hrothgar

Hrothgar is the son of Halfdane and the leader of the Danes. He leads his people well and is popular among them but becomes conflicted when a monster terrorizes his beloved mead-hall, Heorot. Hrothgar admires Beowulf greatly and treats him just as well as he would his own sons, if not better.


The son of Cain who was cursed by God for his father's bad deeds, specifically the killing of Abel. He has long claws. His personality can be described as a jealous one when he attacks the people in Heorot because he wishes he were as joyous as them. Instead of living happily like the Danes, he lives alone in his swamp. Grendel is very strong but no match for Beowulf.

Grendel's mother

Grendel's mother lives alone in a lake. She also has long claws, longer than Grendel's. She is extremely vindictive because she will do anything to avenge her son's death, even if it means killing those who are innocent. Like Grendel, her skin is unpenetrable and she can only be killed by a knife made to kill Giants. Surprisingly enough Grendel's mother is much stronger than Grendel and puts up a good fight against Beowulf.


The Dragon lives with vast amounts of treasures and becomes angry when he finds that someone has stolen a cup from him. He begins to attack and when he battles Beowulf, he is the reason for Beowulf's death.


Wiglaf is a loyal and brave character. He assists Beowulf in his time of need when Beowulf battles the dragon and all of his other soldiers leave him. When Beowulf dies after defeating the dragon, he passes the "torch" to Wiglaf for his bravery and loyalty. Because Wiglaf was the only person who stood by his side, Beowulf makes him the new king. When Wiglaf returns he tells everyone they should be ashamed of themselves for leaving Beowulf because they are the reason he is dead and the reason they are no longer safe.

     Other Characters


The generous and sweet wife of Hrothgar. She assists the men who gather in the mead-hall. She is also very fond of Beowulf and grateful for all that Beowulf has done for them and the other Danes.

King Hygelac

Beowulf's King, the King of Geatland. Beowulf offers all of his rewards given to him by Hrothgar to his uncle Hygelac. When Hygelac dies, his son becomes the King of the throne. When King Hygelac's son dies, the honor is bestowed upon Beowulf who rules for 50 years.


At first, Unferth is jealous of Beowulf's strength and power and questions his past winnings. Unferth later becomes welcoming to Beowulf and offers Beowulf the powerful sword, Hrunting as a sign of truce and friendship in his battle against Grendel's mother.