
     Plot Overview

Defeating Grendel

     The story begins by telling of King Hrothgar, the Danes, and the immaculate mead-hall he has built name Heorot. Driven by jealousy, an evil and cursed man named Grendel attacks Heorot and kills many people. Grendel attacks last for twelve years until a warrior named Beowulf from Geatland comes to the rescue with his warriors. Beowulf tells them of his ultimate strength and that he will kill Grendel himself. The Danes are grateful that he has come to help them. When everyone in Heorot is asleep, Grendel makes his attack; Beowulf awakes to fight Grendel and wins. Beowulf gains even more glory for this defeat because did not use weapons which have no effect on Grendel's inpenetrable skin. He then puts Grendel's hand on display and receives many gifts from Hrothgar and a gold collar Wealtheow. Everyone in Heorot rejoices because there is no longer a reason to be fearful. An angry woman known as Grendel's mother proves that they should think otherwise.

Defeating Grendel's mother

     To avenge her son, Grendel's mother also attacks Heorot and in the process kills King Hrothgar's friend and adviser and takes his body with her and the hand of her son. Beowulf decides he will kill the newest danger to Heorot. Unferth offers Beowulf the sword Hrunting that has never been used in a lost battle to fight Grendel's mother. Beowulf visits Grendel's mother in her lake and on the way he must defeat massive sea beasts. When Beowulf finally  kills them and reaches Grendel's mother the fight is not easy; he even begins to lose. Beowulf then uses Hrunting and to his surprise is unsuccessful because Grendel's mother's skin is also inpenetrable. On the wall, there is a sword which happens to be the only sword that can kill a Giant. Beowulf uses the sword and manages to kill Grendel's mother. Beowulf returns back to the Danes with Grendel's hand and the hand of the King's adviser.

Defeating the Dragon

After many years the King of Geatland, King Hrothgar, passes and so does his son. Beowulf is asked to take the throne and does so for fifty years. For fifty years King Beowulf rules with honor and peace until a Dragon begins to cause havoc in Geatland. It turns out that the Dragon is angry because a cup from the treasure he guarded had been stolen by a slave. Beowulf senses his own death approaching due to old age and decides to fight the Dragon with his warriors. Beowulf tells his warriors to leave him to fight the Dragon and so they obey. The only warrior who stays by his side out of loyalty and gratitude is Wiglaf. This is the worst and most difficult battle Beowulf has ever fought. The Dragon is winning and bites Beowulf's neck; Wiglaf assists Beowulf but allows Beowulf to finish the fight on his own. Beowulf is able to kill the Dragon but moments later feels the impact of death upon him and asks if he can see the trasure guarded by the Dragon; he then places the gold collar he was given many years ago to show Wiglaf he will be the next King. When Wiglaf returns to the other warriors he tells them they should be ashamed of themselves and strips them of their titles. The body of Beowulf is cremated and they bury it with all of his well earned treasure. They all know that now that Beowulf is dead they are in more danger than ever.

     Plot Diagram

Conflict- The beasts that exist and continue to terrorize the land and harm the lives of innocent people. 

Exposition- The genealogy of Denmark's past kings. King Hrothgar's reign and establishing the mead-hall, Heorot. Grendel frequently attacks Heorot for twelve years due to his jealousy which causes Beowulf to visit the Danes and King Hrothgar and offer his help to stop Grendel.
Rising Action-  Beowulf then defeats Grendel in Heorot and Grendel's mother to becomes angry. Grendel's mother later takes revenge by attacking Heorot once again and killing King Hrothgar's best friend and. 

Climax- The climax of the story is when Beowulf fights Grendel's mother. It is climactic because it is unknown whether Beowulf will actually win the battle.

Falling Action- Beowulf defeats Grendel's mother and receives much praise. Many years down the road he becomes King and rules peacefully for fifty years.

Resolution- Even in his old age, Beowulf battles a dragon that terrorized people after his guarded treasure was stolen. Although Beowulf dies shortly after his victory, this event resolves the story because he has finally defeated the last beast. Beowulf's death also brings about a negative foreshadowing because if he is no longer alive, his people have no one to defend them which will reak havoc and destroy the peace he had once restored.