
Beowulf got ready, donned his war-gear, indifferent to death; his mighty, hand-forged, fine-webbed mail would soon meet with the menace underwater. It would keep the bone-cage of his body safe: . . . [His helmet] was of beaten gold, princely headgear hooped and hasped by a weapon-smith who had worked wonders. . . .
This is a description of Beowulf's attire before he enters the lake to fight Grendel's mother

They said that of all the kings upon the earth he was the man most gracious and fair-minded, kindest to his people and keenest to win fame.
(lines 3180-82)

After Beowulf's death, the people still speak highly of him, his ruling as king, and his life on earth.

He has done his worst but the wound will end him. He is hasped and hooped and hirpling with pain, limping and looped in it. Like a man outlawed for wickedness, he must await. the mighty judgment of God in majesty.(lines 974-78)
Beowulf speaks of Grendel's wrongdoings and final judgment after he has defeated him.

Grendel's mother,monstrous hell-bride, brooded on her wrongs. She had been forced down into fearful waters, he cold depths, after Cain had killed his father's son, felled his own brother with a sword. (lines 1258-63)
Speaks of Grendel's mother and why she must live in the lake which is the same reason why Grendel lives in a swamp and why they are both cursed.

Your deeds are famous,so stay resolute, my lord, defend your life now with the whole of your strength. I shall stand by you.(lines 2666-68)
Wiglaf speaks to Beowulf of why he must fight the dragon and why he will stand by him during it all.